Billa 2 is Banned to telecast inside India: Ajith's Billa 2, the most welcomed movie by the Ajith fans was not done good in Box office. Eventhough Ajith did some risky stunts in the movie, it is not at all accepted by the cinema fans. The movie is only enjoyed by the Ajith fans.
The TV rights of Billa 2 was acquired by Sun Tv with 6.2 crore, The highlight is Billa 2 got 'A' certificate in the Censored Board, which is not be able to Telecast inside India. According to the Broadcasting rights Movies with 'A' Censored will not be allowed to Telecast.
The reason why Billa 2 gets the 'A' certificate is for the serious of stunts it as, But Sun Tv who acquired the Broadcasting rights has now lost the invested amount.
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