Actress Oviya Latest Spicy photo gallery, Images and stills: Actress Oviya started her career in the Tamil movie Kalavani, from that movie she started to doing several tamil films. she just showed her talent and glamour in the movie Kalakappu where she with Actress Anjali were spicy in songs in their career.
Currently she is working in several tamil moviers including Agarathi, Sillunu Oru Sandhippu, Moodar Koodam, Sevanu and Telugu movies such as Nagarabhavi, Daandiga which are currently in filmimg phase.
Currently she is working in several tamil moviers including Agarathi, Sillunu Oru Sandhippu, Moodar Koodam, Sevanu and Telugu movies such as Nagarabhavi, Daandiga which are currently in filmimg phase.
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